Ep. 19: Go Where Celebrated. Not Tolerated.

Bruce LundBlog, Podcast, Solopreneur Movement

I was recently asked to speak at a company-retreat as a repeat speaker. My flight and hotel were booked. The date and topic were set. But then it came out that one of the event organizers wasn’t the biggest fan of mine and wouldn’t promote me as a speaker.

When I heard this news, it hurt. I go around the country speaking about building promoters and advocates for your business. That building a brand reputation takes years of consistency and delivering on a world-class customer experience. Not to mention, that I’m a “High I” on the DISC profile (which means I crave being liked).

What did I do wrong to this person or during my first speaking engagement. I sought out feedback from those who attended that event and they said they loved it. I’ve delivered my 5-Habits of Highly Effective Salespeople all over North America on some of the biggest stages including the Los Angeles Convention Center and New York City Marriott Marquis. I’ve delivered it to the most respected associations including Mortgage, Title, Real Estate, Insurance, and Financial Services.

After asking “what my contributions” were to this particular situation, I remember a phrase from my mentor, “Always go where you are celebrated and not merely tolerated.”

You see, we can’t make everyone happy. There are 7 billion people on the planet. We have many different personalities and beliefs. The more attention you get the more admiration you get but you’ll also get some detractors (haters) along the way.

In this week’s podcast, I encourage you to go where you’re celebrate, not tolerated. Some will believe in you (like you), some won’t, so what? We are only looking for those who are looking for us. Never let another person be in control of your self-worth and confidence.