Most people blame their failure to fulfill resolutions on a lack of time, resources, or motivation, or a loss of zeal after starting. Only about 16 percent of people are able to follow their resolutions, according to research.
1) Not YOUR Why
- Not all-in because it’s not tied to emotion or tangible outcome
- Making resolution just for the sake of making it
2) Not a realistic goal (over-confident)
- Behavior change is HARD
- What’s the The ONE Thing and not MANY things?
3) No clear plan or accountability
- Have a daily, tangible plan (step by step)
- Have clear accountability benchmarks (measurable)
- Report to someone or something
4) Don’t Celebrate Progress
- Lost the joy or passion
- Trust & enjoy the process
- The Reward(s) must be greater than the sacrifice(s)
5) Don’t Make Excuses
- What’s an excuse? A self-proclaimed opt-out as to why you aren’t doing it.
- Most give up or give in too soon. We all start with good intentions.
- Almost always going to be harder or take longer.
Most people blame their failure to fulfill resolutions on a lack of time, resources, or motivation, or a loss of zeal after starting. There’s a lot that goes into finishing something after you start it.