Ep. 1: What is the Solopreneur Movement?

Bruce LundBlog, Podcast, Solopreneur Movement

Welcome to the Solopreneur Movement.

What is a Solopreneur?

A person who sets up and runs a business on their own.

“Being a solopreneur has forced me to learn how to handle all aspects of business”

We define solopreneurs as traditional entrepreneurs who create a brand-new product or the new-age salesperson who leverages someone else’s products and sells it. Either way, the production falls solely on the individual to produce results on their own.

Why the Movement?

The Small Business Administration reports that around 50 percent of small businesses are home-based firms, including 60.1 percent of firms without paid employees. Sole proprietorships are by far the most common types of these businesses, according to the same data. It’s also reported that 1-out-of-8 jobs in the United States are salespeople.

This number will only continue to rise given the times we live in. We have more resources than ever before to leverage and stand out through. People now have choices as to how they want to make their living.

We are not saying that being a solopreneur or running a business is easy, by any means. It’s actually quite the opposite; however, we do believe that with that with the right systems, confidence, and conviction in your services that the probability of success will drastically increase. Which is why we are bringing together a community of like-minded individuals as a support group.

What is Community?

In its purest form, a community is a group of people who come together in support of a worthy cause and form comradery. Our community is all about sharing. Sharing ideas. Sharing success stories. Sharing struggles. In doing so, we will mastermind together, train together, and even do business together all over the world.

Why Bruce Lund?

For over a decade, Dr. Bruce Lund has trained thousands of professionals all over the world. His journey began as a 25-year old career author and speaker to young professionals on personal branding (before personal branding was popular). Since that time, Bruce has helped

With a PHD in Human Performance, Bruce has dedicated his life’s work to studying and coaching ultra-successful people. He has one basic belief in life that trained people always outperform untrained people. Through a great trainer and accountability you’ll achieve increased productivity faster.

Our Mission

Having gone through as much “schooling” as you could possibly go through, Bruce has realized that the education system does a poor job in creating or preparing solopreneurs. That’s why he decided to leave higher education to “get in the trenches” with fellow entrepreneurs to grow business together.

We believe a plan should be “easy” on-paper. How many times in a day or a week do you say, “I need a system for that?” Together, let’s get back to the basics of business. It’s often been said that either you run your day or your day runs you. There’s no denying that we must react every day in our business, but that shouldn’t stop us from being as proactive as possible.

Common Solopreneur Professions:

  • Real Estate
  • Mortgage
  • Title
  • Insurance
  • Financial Services
  • Chiropractors
  • CPAs & Accountants
  • Attorneys
  • Personal Trainers
  • Dentists
  • Roofers
  • Plumbers
  • Every everything in-between

Come join the movement by subscribing to our weekly podcast and our PRIVATE Facebook group. And please, share both links with your friends because we can’t grow without you.